05 May, 2013

Hatch#7, and forward ventilators of engine room

Mr. DariusP wrote;
As for the hatch #7... Location right under ship's boat might not have been a best place for it and, if so, I wouldn't be surprised if it was moved at the first opportunity.

Thank you.  I have not thought of it.

As to the ventilators, there are 2 sketches below. Both sketches are records of damage to the same ventilator at the Battle of Yellow Sea, but different in (1) lower part of the ventilator, (2) part of bend , and (3) handle.

From "戦時機関部記事" (wartime record of engine section)
JACAR Ref. C09050661000, 58th and 59th image

From "極秘 明治37.8年海戦史" ((Top secret) history of naval battles of Meiji 37,8)
JACAR, Ref. C05110130600, 62nd image

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